Sunday, June 24, 2007

Final Judgement

Today we visited the Museo de Bellas Artes de Sevilla, and we got to see ¨La Planchadora¨by Pablo Picasso. It was amazing to be standing less than 10 feet away from such a wonderful painting. As beautiful as it was there was another painting that truly caught my eye. It was ¨Final Judgement¨by Martin De Vos.

It was painting that depicted the final judgment and how people were being separated between heaven and hell. There were several demons grabbing on to people and pulling down to the side. Those who were being pulled into hell had looks of agony on their face. In the very back of the painting you could see people being tortured by being stretched out and apart and by hanging. Up above all of this are angels coming down and bringing people up to heaven. Those people who are being touched by the angels to be taken into heaven have a look of relief upon their faces, like a lost child who has found her mother, its a huge weight taken off. The way De Vos had it all meshed together, at first glance you can’t really tell who is going to heaven and who is going to hell. As you look at it closer and longer at it you can see the angles coming down and people crying. It’s a painting of both eternal pain and happiness.

What attracted me most was off to side of the painting there is a pair of yellow eyes. At first you can’t tell what it is, but as you look at it you realize that they are they eyes of serpent. The snake eyes are evil yellow and the mouth is open, and inside the mouth is where the condemned are at. These beasts like looking creatures are tossing, or pulling them into the fire. All the while the others are at the bottom waiting to meet their maker.
Martin De Vos ¨Juicio Final¨

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