We are here in San Sebastian, it is a beautiful city I haven’t left and I want to come back already. Yesterday we were in Bilboa and we went to the Guggenheim museum. I only liked two exhibits there, the dress exhibit and the maze. The dress exhibit was about the goddesses. It was dresses coated in led and for their heads the artist used something to signify what they represented. Like the goddess of war he used tall spiked branches for the head. The maze exhibit was just fun. When walking through it you would feel as if you are twisting and turning because depending on the angle of the wall it would get closer or farther away from you. I felt like a rat in a maze. I never got my cheese at the end of the mazes though. If I had to choose between all the museums I would go back to the Prado. The Prado is so much better in my opinion. At the prado they have a painting by Goya titled “The third of May” which depicted Napoleons invasion.