Saturday, June 9, 2007

Culture influences on Spain

Spain is called the Iberian Peninsula because the Iberians were the first group to enter Spain. They brought with them their knowledge of metalwork, including bronze, and agriculture. The typical Iberian was quarrelsome, suspicious of strangers and superstitious in religion amongst other things. The Spaniards throughout history have pretty much kept these characteristics alive. The Greeks, Phoenicians, and Romans are three other groups that influenced Spain. The Greeks developed olive and vine cultures. They are also credited with striking the first coin. The most notable legacy is the classic influence on Iberian sculpture. Because of the Phoenicians alphabet the Iberians were able to put their language into written form. Roman impact on Spain was a great one. Though the Romans did not have an easy time with invading Spain once they did they left quite a mark. The Romans built roads, bridges, aqueducts, towns, an advanced legal system, their language is the base of most peninsular tongues, but most of all they brought Christianity.